Articles written by Jennifer Smith
Articles written by
Jennifer Smith

Best US Highway Corridors By POI

Truckers get used to asking the important questions to themselves: "Where is the next gas station?", "What is the speed limit?", and of course, "Where can I grab a bite?". Trucker Path, a trucking technology company, determined the best and worst U.S. highway corridors based on trucker feedback and availability of amenities. Here are the top picks.

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5 Ways Businesses Can Thank Truckers

If you think your job is demanding, try working a trucker's work shift with long hours and time spent away from family. Don't get us wrong, a career in trucking is rewarding but it comes with a price, and since 71% of goods are shipped by truck (CFS), it's time for us all to thank a trucker. National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is September 11-17, 2022 – here are five ways businesses can get involved to show their gratitude.

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Brake Inspection Tips for Truck Drivers

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance just wrapped up their latest Brake Safety Week inspections on randomly select commercial vehicles. "During last year's CVSA Brake Safety Week, 12% of the 35,764 vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related issues," said Fred Andersky, Bendix director – demos, sales, and service training.

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The Difference Between OE and OEM Parts

The trucking industry throws out so many abbreviated terms for customers to figure out that it's no wonder why they get confused. When asking the question "Are OE parts the same as OEM?," The short answer is no. We'll give you the long answer including whether OEM parts are the same as aftermarket truck parts and the difference between reman and rebuilt parts. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

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5 Habits of Successful Truck Drivers

At first glance, a career in trucking seems simple: Drive somewhere; pick-up or drop-off cargo and rinse and repeat until your next paycheck, butthis job is hard and isn't for everyone. It requires skill, dedication, calmness, and understanding. It requires exhausting days, long nights and time spent away from family and friends. Being successful at a job in trucking is more than just driving places. Here are five habits of successful truckers.

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Types of LED Lights for Trucks

LEDs have gained in popularity since the 1980s and are today one of the most attractive types of lighting equipment for commercial and passenger vehicles. There are several reasons why truckers should consider installing LED lights on their trucks. For one, they are highly visible. With a side-to-side view, truckers will not have a problem seeing running wildlife, signage, or instabilities in roadways and other drivers will not have issues seeing trucks in passing lanes. They are also long-lasting – 50 times longer than traditional halogen lightbulbs reported by Extra Mile International Inc.

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Safety Tip #5 - Carry Warning Devices

Don't jump in your cab just yet! Now that you've inspected your truck for possible maintenance issues, and have made repairs, it's time to check on safety accessories that will be helpful if in an emergency. Sure, you can bring jumper cables, flashlights, batteries, blankets, light snacks, and bottles of water, but we're talking more about those roadside essentials that will let others know that you have a broken-down truck: Triangle kits and road flares. Below, we'll examine the difference between them and discuss whether they are mandatory for drivers to carry in commercial vehicles.

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Tire Management Tips For Fleet Drivers

The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association is excited to promote this year's consumer awareness campaign National Tire Safety Week running from June 27, 2022, through July 3, 2022. According to USTMA's latest press release, "this annual initiative educates motorists about tire care, safety, and maintenance as an important part of road safety."

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The Benefits of ADAS in School Buses

Parents are rejoicing across the nations as kids prepare to go back to school, and while children may feel differently, there is lots to be done prior to the kick-off of the first day of classes. And school bus drivers are no exception. Bus drivers need to inspect their fleet vehicles prior to the first day of school and replace parts like mirrors, doors, lighting equipment and shock absorbers that may be wearing out or damaged. Furthermore, they should consider installing advanced technologies (ADAS) that are proven to increase safety and reduce the chances of accidents.

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The History of Truck Stops

Truck stops have seen major improvements since their conception in the 1940s. What started as an executive order from the president has turned into welcoming travel centers full of colorful shops, restaurants, and bathrooms for both motorists and truckers alike. Let's discuss the evolution of truck stops.

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Suspension Maintenance Tips for Summer

June is National Safety Month but driving safely is a year-round choice that all truckers should make for their own well-being and those around them. In our current safety tip series, we have discussed the importance of pre-trip planning with a focus on replacing headlights, installing ADAS technologies, checking mirrors and fitting cameras. Now, let's talk about why shock absorbers and air bags should be a priority inspection before making long-haul trips this summer.

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Mirrors and Cameras For Semi Trucks

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 840,000 blind spot accidents occur each year resulting in 300 deaths. Drivers that are cutting off trucks and swerving in and out of lanes are putting everyone at risk of injury. If a small car is within 30 feet of a truck, chances are the truckers cannot see the driver with enough time to react. During pre-trip planning, we suggest inspecting mirrors and cameras to reduce the chances of accidents this season.

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The Benefits of ADAS Technologies

Distractions are everywhere from the flashing text message and mouthwatering burger to the billboard with the pretty lady. Yes, truckers can be easily distracted while driving big rigs. Accordioning to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, seventy-one percent of truck accidents are caused by distracted driving. Wouldn't it be great if there were technologies available to help drivers remain alert? There are and they are called Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. These programs mainly focus on collision avoidance and help reduce the number of crashes on roadways. Learn more about them now.

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Vehicle Headlight Maintenance

Memorial Day Weekend was the kick-off to Summer with an influx of tourists on the road, and while this is a somber holiday, most Americans use it as a date to travel. As such, Memorial Day becomes one of the most dangerous holidays to drive. Safety can mean different things in different industries, butin the trucking industry, safety means staying ahead of vehicle maintenance for the well-being of drivers, passengers, and nearby motor vehicles. This Safety Month, we want to discuss truck headlight replacement.

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Top 5 Fan Favorite Truck Parts

Shopping for replacement truck parts? You've come to the right place. We have a complete catalog of easy to install truck part replacements that are like the original spec parts in form, fit and function. If you are wondering which are the bestselling truck parts that are a must for drivers, then we've got you covered. Here are our five must-have products to add to your online shopping cart.

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Explaining Truck Part Cross References

Your truck is out of service, and you need a new part now to get it back on the road, butthere is a problem: The truck part you need is out of stock. Don't worry, you don't have to call Interstate-70 your new home. You can just look up the cross-reference part. Cross references, or part interchanges, are important attributes to know about when shopping for aftermarket truck parts. Keep reading to learn what they are and how to shop for them.

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What To Do Before Replacing a Starter

There is a very good possibility that it's time for a replacement starter . Typically, the warning signs of failing starters in trucks are present: The engine won't turn over, there might be smoke, grinding noises and of course, you have lights but no follow-up action. Replacing a starter is not a simple job. It requires hours of labor to pop-out the components and replace the old with the new. Nevertheless, it's what may be required if you find that you have a bad starter. Before jumping into installing a new truck starter, here are some helpful steps that should be taken prior to replacing the starter in heavy-duty applications.

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Replace Lighting Equipment In Spring

Look around you. See the green grass, flourishing plants, and budding trees? Spring is a sign of rebirth, and we get to enjoy it for three months, butof course, it comes with a side of [cold] rain. While the rainy season creates beautiful things, it also comes with challenges – especially for drivers. Therefore, we are encouraging truck drivers to inspect truck lights and other lighting equipment to ensure safe travels this season. Here is what you need to know about trucking lights and the spring season.

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Why Care About Air Dryer Replacement

Air dryers help protect air systems in heavy-duty trucks as well as other systems that require clean air to properly operate. If air dryers are not regularly inspected and replaced during the recommended timeframe, different parts of the vehicle can fail. Keep reading to learn the importance of air dryers, when to replace air dryer cartridges and the warning signs of failing air dryers.

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Check Oil Levels This Spring

There are such things as essential oils, and truckers that are performing routine maintenance work on their trucks this spring will want to pay attention to fluid levels on some of the most important oils for their heavy-duty everything. Low oil can cause malfunctions and unexpected downtime if not properly maintained. Let's discuss the main oils that truckers need to maintain this season prior to making long-haul trips.

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