MGM 3030L Brake W/Piggyback Plus - 3230008
Product Description
Early signs of failing spring brake chambers often go unnoticed without visual inspection. When performing routine maintenance on your semi-truck or other commercial vehicle, you may want to check to see if the brake chamber rod is bent; isn't fully retracting or chamber and slack adjusters are out of adjustment. It could be time for a replacement. After all, brake chambers should be replaced every two-five years.
This TR3030LP3 s-cam brake with double diaphragm and piggyback plus is designed for parking brakes. The TR-LP3 model with composite guide-corrosion fighter technology features a tamper-resistant design and center hole diaphragm. It contains an epoxy-coated head and long life power spring (spring size 30) as well as a weather-seal plug. With an externally stored release bolt, it has the added benefit of a 3 inch long stroke. This long stroke double diaphragm s-cam brake drum chamber with piggyback contains 3/8-18 inch NPTF port sizes and a service size of 30. It's "B" measurement is 7.61 inches; "C" measurement is 8.32 inches; "D" measurement is 8.21 inches and inlets are 3/8 -18 NPTF.
MGM's limited warranty depends on product and application. Contact us to learn more!
Since 1956, MGM has been a top solution provider of quality spring brake actuator technology and electronic brake monitoring systems servicing trucks, buses, and other types of heavy-duty commercial vehicles. When in need of replacement air disc brake parts and components for your heavy-duty application, turn to MGM Brakes!
- Spring size 30
- Service size of 30
- "B" measurement is 7.61 inches
- "C" measurement is 8.32 inches
- "D" measurement is 8.21 inches
- Inlets are 3/8 -18 NPTF
TR3030LP3 s-cam brake with double diaphragm and piggyback plus
MGM's limited warranty depends on product and application. Contact us to learn more!
Cross Reference
02-7076381, 027076381, 046044900000, 1010438, 1010447, 1010456, 1010457BX, 1010476, 10326, 12474424, 12560, 12600365, 12960, 1373030002, 1373030006, 1373030009, 1373030010, 1373030011, 1373030012, 1373030013, 1373030201, 1373030202, 1373030203, 1373030211, 1373030212, 1373030213, 1373030214, 1373030215, 1373030216, 1373030220, 1373030221, 1373030301, 1373030302, 1373030303, 1373030304, 1373030305, 1373030306, 1373030307, 1373030308, 1373030309, 1373030310, 1373030311, 1373030312, 1373030313, 1373030314, 1373030315, 1373030316, 1373030317, 1393030043, 15431, 15435, 15439, 15444, 15445, 15446, 15586703, 160802, 161104, 162080, 162368, 162380, 162686, 162782, 163066-1P, 163066-PB, 1630661P, 163066PB, 163539, 163961, 164478, 164516, 164545, 164566, 164690, 164721, 165941, 165944, 165958, 165971, 165984, 165986, 166027, 166033, 166047, 166052, 166056, 166222, 166293, 166360, 166431, 166432, 1693194C91, 179SB3030S, 18960, 23030C, 24424204, 24424205, 250NFLT3030SCB20, 286096, 286122, 286123, 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TSE3030T, TSXTSE3030T, TYPE30, V1090537, V109537, V42 3230051, XTSE3030T, ZAJ3230008, ZAJ3230008Q, ZAJ3230008X, ZAJ3230051, ZAJ3230551, ZAJ3430008, ZAJ3430008Q, ZAJ3430008Q20, ZAJ3430008X, ZAJ3430051, ZAJ3430051X, ZAJ8017830X, ZAJT3230008X, ZAJT3430008X, ZZGC3030L, ZZGP3030, ZZGP3030LK, ZZMG3131051
Brand | mgm brakes |
Model Number | TR3030LP3 |
MPN | 3230008 |
Width | 8 in. |
UOM Quantity (Per Unit of Measure) | 1 |
Unit of Measure (case, ea, drum, etc.) | each |
Height | 12 in. |
Benefits | This TR3030LP3 s-cam brake with double diaphragm and piggyback plus is designed for parking brakes. The TR-LP3 model with composite guide-corrosion fighter technology features a tamper-resistant design and center hole diaphragm. It contains an epoxy-coated head and long life power spring (spring size 30) as well as a weather-seal plug. With an externally stored release bolt, it has the added benefit of a 3 inch long stroke. This long stroke double diaphragm s-cam brake drum chamber with piggyback contains 3/8-18 inch NPTF port sizes and a service size of 30. It's "B" measurement is 7.61 inches; "C" measurement is 8.32 inches; "D" measurement is 8.21 inches and inlets are 3/8 -18 NPTF. |
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