1.30" ASA - ARM: 6.0" - GEAR: 10T 1.50" - CLEVIS: None - PINS: None - NUTS: None - AS1169
Product Description
An automatic slack adjuster is critical in maintaining proper brake alignment on your vehicle. This automatic slack adjuster by Gunite does not require any external brackets, adaptors, or special mounting holes for installation. Popular spline and arm length combinations allow Gunite automatic slack adjusters to replace most other slack adjusters. The space required for Gunite automatic slack adjusters is similar to what is required for manual slack adjusters.
Gunite automatic slack adjusters have long-lasting warranties that depend on your vehicle's vocation. Please contact our customer service team for details.
Gunite slack adjusters are the industrys first choice for performance, reliability and safety and offer improved braking performance, lower operating costs and reduced down time. Gunite Automatic Slack Adjusters are proven year after year as the standard of long-term reliability, trip after trip.
- Does not require any external brackets, adaptors, or special mounting holes for installation
- Popular spline and arm length combinations allow Gunite automatic slack adjusters to replace most other slack adjusters
- The space required for Gunite automatic slack adjusters is similar to what is required for manual slack adjusters
Gunite automatic slack adjusters have long-lasting warranties that depend on your vehicle's vocation. Please contact our customer service team for details.
Cross Reference
05260M, 055-011-05, 0WR119, 10-400-10142, 10351, 10351BULK, 1040010142, 106194, 107100, 107274, 107400, 107401, 107944, 107993, 108092, 108431, 108617, 1133HDA, 12HDBK, 12SBK, 1341041, 1371030, 1381030, 1640523, 17A23100, 1855000, 195-184, 195184, 2013H, 212102, 212116, 22000, 222805, 224293, 225090, 225091, 229801, 23000, 25QD260M2, 25QD410P2, 278045, 278053, 278312, 278313, 278323, 278323AF, 278323N, 278323REM, 278705, 278707, 281568, 281586, 287961, 289652, 289653, 289741, 289742, 2HDBK, 3398-AS1133, 3398AS1133, 3508799, 35125, 3946523, 3946754, 3946757, 400-10142, 400-10159, 40010142, 40010142-MD, 40010142M1D, 40010142MD, 40010159, 40020216, 40020233, 409-10102, 409-10130, 409-10226, 409-10239, 409-10293, 409-10315, 409-10316, 409-10410, 409-10411, 409-10458, 409-10533, 409-10554, 409-10564, 409-10731, 409-10741, 40910102, 40910130, 40910226, 40910239, 40910293, 40910315, 40910316, 40910410, 40910411, 40910458, 40910533, 40910554, 40910564, 40910731, 40910741, 47001, 4847001, 48AS1033, 500-10142, 50010142, 506271, 509-10130, 509-10226, 509-10239, 509-10315, 509-10533, 509-10564, 509-10741, 50910130, 50910226, 50910239, 50910315, 50910533, 50910564, 50910741, 52010A, 52010C, 52511, 5396-40010142, 539640010142, 5396KN47001, 5501000, 5501105, 600010, 612BK, 612HD, 612HDBK, 65172, 65172P, 65184, 65344, 65561, 6WR100, 76401-0103, 76401-3499, 76401-3506, 764010103, 764013499, 764013506, 767653143385, 77065172, 77065344, 7883-40010142, 788340010142, 8060850, 808124, 808140, 808161, 808177, 8084128, 808687, 808694, 809615, 809616, 809617, 814505, 815789, 815794, 815808, 818222, 818990, 819031, 82068, 822000, 823000, 974295, A-15156, A1-3275B600S, A1-3275L792S, A1-3275N716S, A1-3275V594S, A1-3275Y1091S, A1-3275Z1092S, A13-3275N716S, A13275B600S, A13275L792S, A13275N716S, A13275V594S, A13275Y1091S, A13275Z1092S, A133275N716S, A14-3275B600S, A14-3275N716S, A143275B600S, A143275N716S, A15-3275B600S, A15-3275V594S, A15156, A153275B600S, A153275V594S, A4-3275N716S, A43275N716S, A4920, A7022, A7076, A8-3275-N-716S, A83275N716S, A9-3275-N-716S, A92-3275G501, A923275G501, A93275N716S, ACA-0966A700, ACA0966A700, ACF004205810, AS1031, AS1033, AS1131, AS1133, AS1169, ASH40010142, B17-3275G501, B173275G501, B5M434, BA05203, BA05205, BA05260, BA05260M, BBH-RB-10142, BBHRB10142, BC05203, BE065172, BE278313, BE278323, BE278705, BEN065172, BEN278323, BGIKN47001, BGKN47001, BH065172, BH065344, BH278313, BH278323, BH65172, BH65344, BHA7076, BP065172, BP10142, BP278313, BP278323, BPM434, BPM435, BPM452, BW065172, BW065184, BW065344, BW229801, BW278045, BW278053, BW278312, BW278313, BW278323, BW278323REM, BW278705, BW278707, BW281568, BW281586, BW287961, BW289741, BW289742, BW65172, BW65344, BWBW065172, BWBW065344, BWBW278313, BWBW278323, BWS065172, BWS065344, BWS278323, BX222805, BX224293, BX225090, BX225091, BX229801, BX278045, BX278053, BX278323, BX278323REM, BX278707, BX281568, BX281586, BX289741, BX289742, BXK041876, CI211A3, CI41106, CI411A6, CI71106, COAE2220, CS52315, CS52317, CS52342, CS52344, CS52348, CS52353, CS52363, CS56003, CS56031, CS56033, D205501000, DA10351, DKN47001, DLR822000, DLR823000, DN05203, DP05203, DX05501000, E-086K, E-10782A, E-10789A, E-111K, E-11399, E-129K, E-211K, E-318K, E-6923, E-6923A, E-6923B, E-6936, E-6937, E-6938, E-6939, E-6991, E-6991A, E086K, E10782A, E10789A, E111K, E11399, E129K, E211K, E318K, E612BK, E612HD, E612HDBK, E612SBK, E6923, E6923A, E6923B, E6936, E6937, E6938, E6939, E6991, E6991A, EC82068, ECE612, ECE612BK, ECE612HD, ENA7076, EUE612, EUE612BK, EUE612HD, EUE612HDBK, EUE6991, FDL196, FP612, FP612BK, FVBW065172, GHE612BK, GNAS1033, GT-56142, GT56142, GTA-40010142, GTA40010142, GUAS1000, GUAS1019, GUAS1032, GUAS1033, GUAS1133, GUN AS1133, GUNAS1133, GUNSA099 03, GUNSA09903, HA-400-10142, HA40010142, HAE40010142, HAL40010142, HD52010A, HDV-51133, HDX400-10142, HDX40010142, HH52010C, HSA4920, HX40010142, IKN47001, K041876, K041876BXW, KEAS1000, KEAS1033, KH600010, KHAS1000, KHAS1032, KHAS1033, KHAS1133, KN47001, KN47081, KN52200, KN52201, KN52202, KN52203, KN52204, KSA001, L196BW, L196EC, LEL196, LEL196BW, LTL196, M10WR119, M16WR100, M16WR1331, M807023, MB21103, MB21104, MB21183, MB21184, MB21953, MB41106, MB41186, MB71106, MBI40010142, MBIKN47001, MBKN47001, MBN21136A, MDKN47001, MI5396KN47001, MICS56003, MICS56033, MID40010142, MIDKN47001, MIKN47001, MK21103S, MK21103SG, MK21106S, MK41106S, MK41106SH, MK71106S, MM1200E, MR1850, MR1855000, MR2100, MR6500, MSBW278323, MSMDKN47001, N065172, N21136A, N278323, NX52010C, NXA7022, OTR-47001, OTR-51133, OTR-65172, OTR47001, OTR51133, OTR65172, P0065344, P0278323, P065172, P065344, P278313, P278323, PAHSA4920, PL-10142, PL10142, PROSA56142, QC47001, QS47001, R2R823000, R801040, R801042, R801044, R801049, R802350, R802351, R802354, R802355, R802356, R802357, R806023, R822000, R823000, R824000, RB-10142, RB10142, RBR801042, RBR822000, RBR824000, RDR822000, RIR822000, RIR824000, RKR822000, RKR823000, ROR824000, RSA923275G501, RSB173275G501, RSR822000, RSR824000, S-23851, S-9642, S065172, S065344, S2010A, S23851, S278323, S9642, SA02101, SA02402, SA06403, SA07803, SA09903, SA10102, SA11203, SA1133, SA1133A, SA669, SAS1050, SAS1133, SF212102, SF212116, SI47001, SIA7076, SIE612BK, SIFP612, SIFP612BK, SIS2010A, SP10351BULK SPM10WR119, SPM16WR100, T415405, TJ52010, WA10142, WEAE22451, ZBRAS1133, ZSA40010142, ZZ40010142, ZZ52010A
Axle | 2904 |
Brand | Gunite |
Number Of Splines / Teeth | 10 |
MPN | AS1133 |
UOM Quantity (Per Unit of Measure) | 1 |
Unit of Measure (case, ea, drum, etc.) | each |
Benefits | This automatic slack adjuster does not require any external brackets, adaptors, or special mounting holes for installation. Popular spline and arm length combinations allow Gunite automatic slack adjusters to replace most other slack adjusters. The space required for Gunite automatic slack adjusters is similar to what is required for manual slack adjusters. |
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